At work, the 28-year-old Puerto Rican is helping lead GM's development of autonomous vehic...
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At work, the 28-year-old Puerto Rican is helping lead GM's development of autonomous vehic...
The company partners with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology...
More than 600 students in underserved communities have benefited from GM’s support of a co...
Angela De Hoyos-Hart, Jessica Moreno, and Joaquin M. Nuño-Whelan were among 34 awardees ho...
In addition to the manufacturing, assembly, and corporate facilities across the country, G...
Alexandra Figueroa, a senior softwaredeveloper at the GM Innovation Centerin Arizona and a...
GM’s Hispanic Initiative Team (GM HIT) was recognized last month as the #1 employee resour...
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Founded in 1986, the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility’s (HACR) mission is to advance the inclusion of Hispanics in Corporate America at a level commensurate with our economic contributions in the areas of Employment, Procurement, Philanthropy, and Governance.
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