2018 HACR Young Hispanic ...
HACR Announces the 2018 Class of the Young Hispanic Corporate Achievers™ 36 Hispanic corpo...
Get the latest updates from HACR on our coalition members, corporate partners, programs, and more.
HACR Announces the 2018 Class of the Young Hispanic Corporate Achievers™ 36 Hispanic corpo...
On November 14, 2018, the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) hosted i...
Congratulations to Cristina Rodríguez, the 2018 Coors Light Líder of the Year! Cristina is...
Herbalife Nutrition is the successful company it is today because of the importance we hav...
At work, the 28-year-old Puerto Rican is helping lead GM's development of autonomous vehic...
Richard Saenz is the executive sponsor at BP for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engi...
After 11 months, the island of Puerto Rico and its resilient inhabitants have risen to fac...
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Founded in 1986, the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility’s (HACR) mission is to advance the inclusion of Hispanics in Corporate America at a level commensurate with our economic contributions in the areas of Employment, Procurement, Philanthropy, and Governance.
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Washington, DC 20005